- The Liquid Crystals Level One Practitioner Course
In the Year 2000, Justin Moikeha Asar (JMA) created The Liquid Crystals (TLC) Modality and in 2003 it was gifted back to the World Via this course for the First Time. Much of it remains the same, as perfect now as it was then but, every year it adjusts to include any TLC Updates. This is your TLC starting point.
The Liquid Crystals are organic, natural and holistic, they are powerful geometric remedies made from 77 of the Earth’s minerals, metals and crystals, birthed in Australia the 77 Principle Remedies are completely safe to take with any other medications or treatment, perfect for the whole family and can even be safely given to Children, Animals and Plants with great confidence and Results.
In the creation of TLC, minerals of each type are sourced from EVERY deposit worldwide and then united, often thousands of origins were combined into One holistic form.
TLC is the worlds first Global Vibrational Therapy, first Geometric Healing Modality and first Truly Holistic Natural Healing modality.
Once Live, this Online Course will be an amazing doorway into the TLC World and the accumulation of 25 Years of live teaching.
Our Goal is to Make this Version Bigger, Better and more complete than any other with the inclusion of Loads of original Video of JMA discussing the Concepts, Remedies and Principles. Get Ready for the most Advanced and Complete Natural Healing System on the Planet.
Due for a Major Release in Feb 2025

“To the TLC Practitioner the human body is a beautiful dance of minerals that requires ongoing and constant self-awareness to hold balance and health, The Liquid Crystals is about finding gaps and imbalances in a persons mineral profile on any Level and linking it all back together for perfect Expression and Change. In short, we find the partner that is missing in the mineral dance of life and reintroduce them to who they should be holding close”. -JMA
The Liquid Crystals Level 1 Course details
The outcome of this course is the ability to work with The Liquid Crystals in the manner for which they were created, to aid humanity through their processes on all levels and ultimately into Unity Consciousness.
At the end of TLC I, you will be a Qualified Practitioner of the Liquid Crystals and the Original 77 stock level Crystals becomes available to you so you can manufacture Dose Bottles for Patients, Loved ones and any being in Need.
TLC I is a life-changing Course and with a 17-year history, its conversion to an online format is an exciting time for the modality that sees JMA return to teaching it. The TLC Online shift marks the start of Phase Two of the Liquid Crystals a time that has JMA Re-formulating and Manufacturing for the World instead of a more Localised Space of Anchor. TLC is about to become GLOBAL.
This Image shows 'The Star of Geburah' - A Master Ruby Crystal gifted to JMA at Mount Kailash through which JMA was Guided to Re-Create TLC.

A brief description of some of the course contents.
• The Liquid Crystals their Story, History, Formation and Foundation.
• General Spiritual concepts and The Crystal Kingdom, its Geometry and formation.
• The Elemental and Devic Connection, their role and Work.
The Liquid Crystal Oracle:
• Introduction and Activation of Oracle Cards
• Card Reading for Clients
The 77 Liquid Crystals and their Properties, Simple Purposes, Corrispondences and pathways.
• Working with the 77 Liquid Crystals Basic Diagnosis and Remedy Choice.
• Manufacturing and Using Stock bottles, Making client Bottles and combining Crystals
• Dosing
Basic Practitioner Training
• Working with clients
• TLC Client forms
-The Website Tools.
• Prescription Sheets
•The Names of the Devic being (Crystal Guardian) that is responsible for the formation of each Crystal in the Course.
• Close and Intimate Work with the Master Guardians, The Names of the Devic being (Crystal Guardian) that is responsible for the formation of each Crystal in the Course.
and whole lot More, infact, we anticipate the New online Level one course will have a Video on each of the 77 Liquid Crystal by JMA amounst other really amazing and exciting NEW content.
'We don't just make Liquid Crystals. TLC represents a platform for humanity to unite their inner and outer nature with the tools they possessed when they were born. We don't place or inject frequency into a person, we offer a recipe or framework of health that the body recognises and desires, the patient then does all the work, even creating the Remedy. This fact sets TLC apart from everything else on Earth at this time.' -JMA
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