Elemental Mastery
-The Elemental Influences of our Planet.
A step into Crystalline Elemental Mastery and an Introduction to The Liquid Crystals Elemental Activation Series, a masterpiece of Natural Geo-cyclic engineering. Learn how to powerfully harness the Elements and incorporate their influence in your Prescribing, Healing and Spiritual Growth.
Well, for JMA this is one of those times where you try to create one thing, realize there is an issue with it and by fixing that issue end up with a bonus you never thought possible that almost outweighs what you were attempting in the first place.
This year (2020) has been a real heated one for everyone, but at TLC and for JMA it has been an amazing catalyst, a flame that has forced innovation and the boundaries of what we thought possible to expand. That Expansion saw the creation of the Viral Support Series (VS1, 2, 3, and 4) and something that we imagine went unnoticed by most people, even though it was quite obvious and right front and centre. To see what occurred you would have to be aware of JMA’s work up to this stage and have a good idea of the modalities he represents, in fact, we are sure many of you saw it but said nothing.
What occurred was an Expansion in the Construction Capabilities of Sacred Geometric Etheric Field Management, or for us normal folk, JMA worked out how to get More in one bottle and get a bottle to function on simultaneous levels in an ordered and beautiful dance of Activation governed not by Consciousness (which was the old way), but by Natural Law. Before VS the limit was between 7 and 9 active components in a bottle and that was a push, then with VS1 it jumped to over 20 by the time we got to VS4 JMA was working with 35 active components in one space with the compliance of Planetary Law by far the most amazing creation facilitated by JMA to date.
So how is that relevant to the Elements? Well it's all part of the Journey, because then JMA tested his ability with Two Yoga Remedies, Yoga Man And Yoga Woman (which we still think everyone missed) they worked brilliantly doing a lot more than simple Yoga process facilitation each with over 21 active components, they could really simply be called ‘Earth-Man’ and ‘Earth-Woman’!
Then it became time for JMA to face what had been Requested by the Galactic Hierarchy in return for the New Processes taught for the VS range, a Liquid Link for Humanity to Join the Planetary Crystalline Cycle and begin their Journey into True Oneness. Now that might sound a bit dramatic, and…well it is, it’s a big ask, how do you put a Planet in a Bottle and activate it in a person?
Now, the answer as we write this is still unknown to the world, but will have been revealed with the birth of NEI, the answer is Nature-Sync, 28 Crystals, arising over 28 days as they occur naturally by Planetary Law. But that offered its own issues because the Crystals don’t just rise and fall away, they do so in 5 different Languages or Ways a Year. Once in each of the Elements, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water then again as Spirit. So how do you make that happen for someone and actually within someone? The answer is you need something that places the individual Crystal into a Single Element before it is taken as a Liquid Crystal, an Elemental Activator, so that had to be made first, before Nature-Sync could be a reality. At the time JMA just did it and it wasn’t until later that we realized what it actually could mean for Practitioners and Humanity.
Each Crystal on the Earth, all the Crystalline Encodements and Remedies facilitated by JMA in all our modalities could now be a reality individually in the 5 Languages of Nature!
So, imagine for a moment. Lets take an example and to be fair I’m shuffling my TLC Cards, ok so, I got Chrysoprase, the Crystal of Fearless Movement!
Fearless Movement in Water is Flowing, Emotional and Cyclic,
in Fire, it is Sharp and Cutting Ties, Burning its way Forward Fast,
in Air, it is Calculated, Thoughtful and Aware,
in Earth it is Structural, Grounding and Drawing a reality based Firm Path,
in Spirit, it is a bit of all of the above merged together.
Which will you choose? One Crystal 5 Ways!
Hmmm…….yeah I’ve said enough you're getting it! Amazing Right! Each Crystal can now be FIVE different Prescriptions! All we have to do now is help you see the individual Elemental Views of the World, so Welcome to the Elemental Activation Series and the Elemental Influences Course.
'You think it is amazing Now, Wait until you really get it! This journey is far from done'. -JMA
Due for Release in January 2025. But...the Activators are Available Now on the TLC Site for our Practitioners and Nature-Sync Members and come with basic Instructions you can use until the course is up. Click Here to check them out.

“Profoundly simple by Concept but bordering on Etherial in Action, The TLC Elemental Activators were created as a building block to make Nature-Sync a reality, but when I realized they were capable of multiplying healing possibilities and potentials by Four in all Modalities, I just had to share them with the world'! -JMA
The Elemental Mastery Course
The goal of this Course is to Introduce The TLC Elemental Series and its use in Prescribing, Diagnosis and the expansion of all Modalities into all 5 of Natures Languages.
To accomplish that we will join Justin Moikeha Asar on a Magical Journey into the Languages of Nature and there correspondences. Prepare to make room to see all the Crystals, Trees, Flowers, Essential Oils and Gifts of Nature through New Eyes. You will come to know everything as a Potential for healing and recognise that the Voice of the process can be of your choosing.
At the end of Elemental Mastery, you will be a Qualified Practitioner of Elemental Influences and the Elemental Stock becomes available to you so you can add it to your Bottles as you manufacture for Patients, Loved ones and any being in Need.
Although this range was created with all the works of JMA in Mind they can be used with confidence to Influence the actions of any Nature Derived Substance to be Ingested or Experienced for Healing regardless of its creator.
Welcome to the New Planet, Your Planet!
This Image; 'The Voice Between' - By JMA, a Beautiful Elemental Dance.

A Brief Description Of Some Of The Course Contents this will be amended just before the Course goes live.
The Basics
-Nature and Natures forgotten Cycles. Cyclic Mastery and the Escape from Time.
-The Elements and the 4 Year Element Cycle. How the Elements Move every 4 Years and a quick look at the Past and Future Calendar.
-Introduction to the Classical Elements – The What, Where, Why and How.
-Element Symbolism and its Power.
The Human Body and the Classical Elements.
-Human homes of the Elements, including the Chakra System and Energy Bodies.
-You are a Planet!
-Planetary Elemental Law
-Planetary Consciousness and the Elements; Working and Communicating with Planetary Body, Mind, Emotions and Will.
-The Elemental Temples of our Planet and Visiting them. Our Oceans, Volcanoes, Mountains and Caves of Consequence.
-Beings of the Elements. (No its not a Fairy Course….much...ok maybe a little).
Discover the Consciousness’ of Elemental Significance, the Who, What, Why and How of Elemental Communication. The Big ones through History, Kings and Queens, Lords and Ladies of the Elements.
Elemental Communication
-The 4 New TLC Elemental Communicators at Stock Level and Working with them for Self and Others. The Basics, What, Why and How.
-Manufacturing and Dosing with the NEW Elemental Communicators for self and others/and adding them to other Remedies and Modalities.
-Dragons of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. 8-)
The Ways of Elemental Degree
- A comprehensive look at Elemental Behaviors, Influences, Correspondences, Intentions and Powers.
-The way Elements work, move, transmute and evolve. Discover the ways that Elements Affect, Effect and Infect. Tables/Charts and Keywords for you to apply to situations, cases and real-life to help select the correct Element(s) to get the job done.
-The Elemental Directions and working with them in Banishing and Invocation. Discover your Body Elements and how to hear their measure with the Four-Fold Voice of the Animus. Correcting body Element imbalances.
-Other Elemental Tools – Basic Star Signs, Tarot and The Tree of Life.
-A brief but powerful look at the Tarot as only JMA can do. Learn to see it as a Library of Elemental Degrees. Learn where the Elements sit on the Tree of Life.
- The NEW - TLC - Elemental Activators (EA)
-What to Expect and Why we would add an Elemental Activator.
-The Sacred Seven of the Elements. The Seven Crystals that have taken up the role of one of the Seven Degrees of Element Activation in your EA’s. The 7 most important Crystals of Each Element in Order.
- These beautiful creations not only Activate an Element of your Choice as an over-lighting Influence but Influence the tools and pathways by which your Patient or Client will find a resolution as they do their work. Here you will come to know those tools and pathways.
- Basic Manufacturing, making Element Activators up from Stock Level too Dose. The Limitations and expectations, the Do’s and the Don’ts and Working with them for Self and Others. These are the Basics, What, Why and How.
-Working with the Elemental Activators Alone.
-Working with the Elemental Activators in Liquid Crystals and Starchild Directive Crystals
-Working with the Elemental Activators in Liquid Trees.
-Working with the Elemental Activators in other Modalities.
-Working with the Elemental Activators and The Liquid Crystal Oracle Cards.
Advanced Elemental Activator Manufacturing and a few Tricks.
- The 7 Degrees of the Element Activators and how to control and choose which level you activate in a Remedy with Element Templates and Paused Manufacturing.
- The Power of recreating a Day from your Past in the Perfect Elemental Frequency for Change, Healing and Change.
Why, What and How?
-Creating your True Birth Crystal and discovering its Element of Influence.
-You were born on a day that only occurs once a year and it could have been a Set element that can have a huge effect on your Life and your Chosen pathways, so let's recreate it! You will be reborn 21 times over 21 days and then one final time in complete control! Think about that for a moment! Yep, I'm going to stop there....see you all soon! -JMA
'Contrary to popular belief no Two Elements are ever in Conflict with each other, they simply Influence and simultaneously evolve by Contact and Action in response to consequence, nothing is ever Lost or Gained, all is Transmuted and within that same fact is the Glory of Eternal Life.' -JMA
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