Welcome to the Natural Earth Institute

Online Learning Platform for The Liquid Crystals, The Liquid Trees, The Starchild Directives and Teachings of Justin Moikeha Asar

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'Let the Gifts Within You Sing their Song and Together we can  Change the World'!


'Its Your Choice! Now you can Learn and Explore all our Courses at your Pace, When and Where You Like'.

'I know, I love the physical events too, and they will still be happening, but imagine how much you miss in the Live environment, there's no pause or rewind button and I'm sure if there was you would have used it a couple of times on me by now. 

I hate to admit it, but this could just be a better way!  Travelling at your own pace, focusing on the topics that really sing to you and relaxing in the comfort of your own home. Plus we have just eliminated all the travel and all the waiting around for specific courses to come up. Now you can just enrol in your Event of choice. 

Our goal with NEI is to deliver our content as simply as possible, so Inside your courses, you are going to find plenty of original Videos, Images, Charts, Tests, Tasks and Questionnaires. In fact, we are aiming to add to the overall experience gained from our in-person courses and get you more hands-on, all in all, its looking pretty awesome!' -Justin Moikeha Asar

'Our Goal is your Evolution! Backed by 25 Years of Wisdom and Experience, the Flexible and Creative Opportunities NEI offers will have you Opening New Doors, Revisiting Courses and Going Deeper than ever Before'.


Ongoing Programs Currently Available

Nature -Sync Membership (Basic and N-Sync Plus)

Prepare to Merge with Natures Cycles by embracing 28 Crystals over 28 Days all within their active Element placing you in Sync with the Universal Crystalline Cycle all under the watchful eye of the Moon. Perhaps the most powerful Opportunity for Evolution, Growth Change and Healing on the Planet!  
Our first ever Subscription journey, 'Nature-Sync Membership' Includes;

- The Current Moon (Month) 30ml Bottle of Nature-Sync delivered to your door.

-Access to the Nature-Sync Community forum here on NEI for discussions, Questions and Answers.

-New and Exclusive Information including all the NEW Elemental Correspondences and Keywords Daily, allowing you to embrace the Crystalline influences of each day not available anywhere else.

-A  Copy of the Current Nature-Sync Calendar in PDF form so you can track the Cycle.

-Original Cycle Based Activations and Exercises from JMA to keep you moving towards the activation of your 365 Geo-Crystalline Lightbody Encodements.

'In One constant movement the Cycles of Nature playout within and Around us,  Synchronise and Evolve, or Simply Observe for a Lifetime'. -JMA

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ITAP - (Nature Sync with ITAP Acceleration)

A truly spiritual endeavour and one of the most ambitious programs Justin Moikeha Asar has ever offered. ITAP stands for Individually Tailored Ascension Program and that is exactly what it is PLUS everything Nature-Sync Offers!

ITAP is designed to support those that desire, are willing and/or have been delivered towards Nature-Sync for more Spiritual Purposes. This Addition to N-Sync is not for everyone and is your chance to Focus its Effects, Discoveries and Evolutions towards the Highest and most sacred aspects of your Earth Journey; your personal Ascension.

At the ITAP programs heart is a 28-Day prescription chosen, manufactured and programmed by JMA from his long list of Tools, Remedies and Sequences. A prescription designed specifically to manifest the ultimate Self-development pathways, Contacts and Ascension Protocol as you Journey through the Nature-Sync Process. 

If that inner voice is screaming at you right now, we suggest you listen to it, this is a rare opportunity that will fill up Very Fast. NOTE;- An ITAP prescription could include anything from our vast range and may include exclusive Remedies and Sequences not available anywhere else. 

*** Limited Numbers both Australia and Worldwide***

'Every Moment is an Opportunity for Evolution, Growth and Healing yet none of them occur without the other, Take my hand I can show you your Path; From Our Shared destination All is Clear'. -JMA

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Courses that are Next in Line

TLC Crystalline Elemental Mastery

Join JMA for a step into Crystalline Elemental Mastery and an Introduction to The Liquid Crystals Elemental Activation Series. Mastering and Incorporating the addition of the Elements found within the Annual Crystalline Cycle for Prescribing, Healing and Spiritual Growth.

Prepare to embrace Earth, Air, Fire and Water as never before and see how Elemental Additions to your Prescribing can accelerate and deepen your results on all Levels.
This programme is open to everyone, but amazing for TLC/TLT and/or SCD practitioners as it multiplies your tools by Four!  

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'Exciting but profoundly simple, The TLC Elemental Activation Series was created for Nature-Sync, but multiplies our healing potentials by Four!'

The Pleiadian Re-genesis - The Pleiadian Way.

Join JMA for a Journey through the Teachings of the Pleiadians and a clearer look into the possibilities and pathways of Journey, Growth and Healing offered by the New TLC Pleiadian Series. 
Meet the Sisters, and let them change your World, 

Includes a detailed look at the Pleiadian Stargates and a firm understanding of the nature-driven Pleiadian Influences and connections.

-NOTE;- This Course was cancelled due to Covid and will now run on NEI.  If you have been waiting, Thank you for your patience, you are enrolled and Instructions will be sent by Email very Soon.

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“A Liquid Crystal is truly original on this Planet, it is wholly derived from the Pleiadian Way, a Way founded in Liquid Light Technology. The PLLT Revelation is Close, in its Embrace, the World will be Changed Forever".

Our Other Courses and Works in Progress

We are Busy adding content, Videos, Images, Charts, Tasks and Questionnaires to these amazing Courses but that doesn't mean you can't check them out, click through for more Information and Due Dates.

'When I look back at my life I want to see a Man who walked With Nature, carried it in his heart and allowed it to be Master, Guide and Servant. I am under no Illusion who my Teacher is, every Breeze a Word, every Wave an Emotion and every Ray a Passing Thought'. -JMA


Meet our Founder  

Justin Moikeha Asar  (ND, Dip.Bot.Med, Adv.Dip.Hom, Dip Nut, DRM)

Justin Moikeha Asar grew up in the magnificent Pacific Islands of Vanuatu, viewing each day as a lifetime, he sees physicality as our ultimate gift. At the core of his teachings, he encourages the embrace of Truth, Unity and Oneness through Natures cycles.

In 2003 the teachings of the “Spirit of Geburah” a Master Ruby  Record keeper received as a gift by Justin many years prior became an influential force in his life that would oversee the rebirth of The Liquid Crystals into the World as a Healing Modality. The Liquid Crystals (TLC) and its 77 Principle Minerals would then become the foundation for the Starchild Directives in 2012, a modality created to assist the children of the New World through emotional healing and sacred geometric embrace, adding a further 33 Minerals, many lesser known and very rare Minerals. In 2016 'The Liquid Trees' modality was born, the Kings and Queens of the forests stepped forward, 46 Sacred Trees to be recognised and Immortalised as global Teachers assisting humanity to heal through the flame of Love.

The revolutionary work of Justin Moikeha Asar or affectionately JMA continues by way of original processes and workings as not only the most Complete and Holistic offering of Crystalline Geometric healing available on the Earth today, but by spanning all natures kingdoms, also the most complete system of Healing with Nature available, thus in his words; 'We are Reactivating the Way of Oneness, a singular path to Consciousness; One Voice, One Soul, One People, One Earth and One Universe'.





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